
Modern Hearing Solutions In Canton, OH, Alliance, OH, Akron, OH,
Millersburg, OH, Wadsworth, OH, and New Philadelphia, OH


Modern Hearing Solutions In Canton, OH, Alliance, OH, Akron, OH, Millersburg, OH, Wadsworth, OH, and New Philadelphia, OH


Modern Hearing Solutions In Canton, OH, Alliance, OH, Akron, OH, Millersburg, OH, Wadsworth, OH, and New Philadelphia, OH

Preventing Decline

Preventing Decline   Tinnitus – What is it, and how can I make the ringing stop? One of the most common questions, and complaints, we get from patients is about the ‘ringing’ in their ears! Tinnitus (pronounced tin·ni·tus or tin-night-us), is the sensation of...

Understanding Tinnitus

Understanding Tinnitus   Ringing in Your Ears: Understanding Tinnitus Causes, Management, and Relief   Current estimates are that nearly 50,000,000 American adults live with tinnitus and almost 1.5 billion people worldwide. Along with hearing loss, tinnitus...